A Comprehensive Guide to ABA Therapy Techniques: Unlocking the Potential of Applied Behavior Analysis

applied behavior analysis techniques

Welcome to our guide on ABA therapy techniques. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has been proven effective in teaching essential life skills, particularly for individuals with autism. The techniques applied vary widely in approach and complexity. This guide will introduce you to a list of ABA techniques commonly used to facilitate learning and bring about meaningful change.

Whether you’re a parent, educator, or therapist, this guide is designed to help you understand different teaching methods and strategies used in ABA. So, let’s get started!

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

child riding in wagon with therapist watching

What It Is and How It Works

Positive and Negative Reinforcement are cornerstone ABA therapy techniques for autism and other conditions.

Positive Reinforcement

This involves adding a rewarding stimulus to encourage the behavior you want to see more of. For example, giving a child a piece of chocolate for completing a task.

Negative Reinforcement

This entails removing an aversive stimulus to promote a desired behavior. Essentially, you take something away that the child finds unpleasant as soon as they exhibit the desired behavior, reinforcing that this good behavior has beneficial outcomes. For instance, turning off a distracting noise like a vacuum cleaner, when a child puts away their toys.

Application of ABA Technique at Home

You can easily apply these ABA therapy techniques at home by identifying the incentives that motivate your child and leveraging them to promote desired behaviors.

Video Modeling

Utilizing Visual Learning

Video Modeling is among the teaching techniques and strategies that use videos to show a behavior or skill that a child needs to learn. Watching the video helps them understand the steps involved in completing a particular task. Social stories in a video format can also help provide information about social situations, explaining what to expect and why, thereby improving social interactions, understand complex situations, and react appropriately in various settings.

Application of ABA Technique at Home

Using short clips that model correct behavior can be an effective ABA therapy technique at home.

Prompting and Fading

ABA therapy technique

Guided Learning

Prompting involves providing cues to encourage the desired response. Fading is the gradual removal of these cues as the learner becomes more proficient.

Teaching Methods and Application

Using a hierarchy of prompts can help with teaching and learning methods. Start with more intrusive prompts and gradually move to less direct cues.

Application of ABA Technique at Home

Use this method to break down complex tasks like handwashing and go from full physical prompting (assisting the child physically through each step) to partial prompting, then verbal prompting, and finally fading prompts to achieve full independence.

Natural Environment Teaching (NET)

The Setting Matters

Natural Environment Teaching is one of those ABA techniques for autism that emphasize teaching in a natural, unstructured setting. For example, let’s say the goal is to teach a child to identify colors. In a traditional setting, you might use flashcards. But in NET, you might go for a walk and point out the colors of flowers, cars, or playground equipment, asking the child to name them. The learning is contextual, interactive, and tied to the child’s everyday experiences.

How It Works

This approach helps generalize skills by making the learning environment as natural as possible.

Application of ABA Technique at Home

NET is especially useful for children with autism and other developmental disorders, as it provides opportunities to generalize skills across multiple situations and environments like parks, public spaces, restaurants, visiting family, etc.

Task Analysis

Sequence of Actions

A Behavior Chain involves breaking down a complex task into smaller tasks and teaching each step independently. Each step is taught individually and then linked together to complete the whole task.

Application of ABA Technique at Home

This is particularly effective for teaching complex life skills such as changing clothes, cooking, or getting ready for bed.


kids playing with a toy

Applying Skills Across Settings

Generalization is an essential aspect of ABA strategies, focusing on the ability to apply learned skills in different settings or with different people.

Application of ABA Technique at Home

Using different teaching methods and strategies can help with generalization. For example:

  1. If teaching a child handwashing skill, practice in the bathroom at home, at school, and in public restrooms.
  2. If a child learns to greet by saying “hi,” encourage them to also use other appropriate greetings like “hello,” “hey,” or waving.
  3. If a child learns to make eye contact with you, encourage them to do the same with other family members, friends, teachers, etc.
  4. Once a child learns to tie their shoes, revisit the skill occasionally to make sure they maintain it.
  5. If a child learns to brush their teeth with a manual toothbrush, introduce an electric toothbrush as a sequential modification.
  6. Role-play different situations, like asking for help at school.

Antecedent-based Interventions

Setting the Stage

This involves modifying the environment to encourage or discourage certain behaviors. The primary goal is to prevent challenging behaviors from occurring by changing the conditions that trigger them.

Application of ABA Technique at Home

Identify triggers or cues and modify them to influence behavior positively. For example:

  1. Use visual aids like charts or pictograms to indicate the steps of a daily routine.
  2. Provide options and promote autonomy in decision-making.
  3. Remove distracting elements to create an environment more conducive to focused activities.


We hope this comprehensive guide helps you understand the range of ABA therapy techniques available for teaching and learning methods.

a seamless pattern of white puzzle pieces on a black background

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