The Rising Rates of Autism

Kind mother helping her son doing homework in kitchen.

The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is on the rise. The prevalence rate of ASD varies depending on the study and the population being examined. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, in 2020, the prevalence of autism was estimated to be approximately 1 in 36 children, so 2.8% of children were reported to have autism in the CDC’s research. This data was reported by the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network in 2023. They also reported that ASD is 3.8 times as prevalent among boys (4.3%) as among girls (1.1%) and that ASD is reported to occur in all racial and ethnic groups.

Prevalence Rates of Autism

It’s worth noting that prevalence rates can differ by geographic region, demographic factors, and diagnostic criteria used. Additionally, prevalence rates may change over time due to factors as increased awareness, changes in diagnostic criteria, and improvements in data collection methods.

Over the past few decades, there has been a notable increase in the reported rates of autism. However, it’s important to understand that this apparent increase in prevalence does not necessarily mean that there is an actual rise in the incidence of autism (i.e., the number of new cases occurring in a population over a specified period). It is not completely known whether autism is becoming more common or whether other factors are the cause of the increase in statistics indicating a rise in the prevalence of autism. For example, there are many potential factors that are likely impacting the rates of autism. We will explore some of these contributing factors.

Factors Impacting the Rise in Autism Rates

The word autism on colorful cubes with stationery objects on blue background

The increase in autism prevalence rates over the past few decades can be attributed to several factors.

Diagnostic Changes of Autism

The diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has broadened over time, leading to more individuals being identified and diagnosed. Previously, milder forms of autism might have gone unrecognized or been misdiagnosed as something else. The most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013 – which is the primary manual used to diagnose mental disorders – made changes to the criteria for autism.

For example, the DSM-5 grouped subtypes of autism, such as autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), into the umbrella term autism spectrum disorder. The DSM-5 also introduced severity levels to help clinicians assess the degree of impairment in social communication and restricted, repetitive behaviors. These levels range from Level 1 (requiring support) to Level 3 (requiring very substantial support). This helps professionals who assess autism to better identify individuals who may have previously been considered “high functioning.”

Increased Awareness

There’s greater awareness of autism among parents, educators, healthcare professionals, and the general public. This heightened awareness has led to more individuals seeking evaluation and diagnosis for themselves or their children. There have been many initiatives that have helped raise awareness and acceptance of autism. This includes things like World Autism Day on April 2nd, Autism Awareness Month in April, a vast increase in representation of autism on the internet and social media platforms, as well as legislative changes that have helped support individuals with autism.

Improved Diagnostic Tools

Advances in diagnostic tools and techniques have enabled earlier and more accurate identification of autism. Screening tools are now available for use in young children, allowing for earlier intervention and support. These include instruments such as the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) and the Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children (STAT). Additionally, the development and refinement of standardized assessment instruments, such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), have greatly enhanced the accuracy and reliability of autism diagnosis. Also, there have been improvements in offering autism diagnostic tools that are more sensitive to cultural and linguistic diversity.

Clarifying the Definition of Autism

The definition of autism has evolved over time. The broader diagnostic criteria encompasses a wider range of behaviors and characteristics, leading to more individuals meeting the criteria for diagnosis. More specifically, the change in the criteria has been primarily seen in the DSM-5 as we described earlier. This has clarified the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder and has helped create a better understanding of autism.

Access to Services

Improved access to healthcare services, including developmental screenings and evaluations, has also contributed to the increase in autism prevalence rates. Improved access to services for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been a focus of advocacy efforts and policy initiatives aimed at addressing the diverse needs of individuals and families affected by the condition. Some key strategies and developments that have contributed to improved access to services for people with autism include early intervention programs, improvements in special education services, improved access to healthcare coverage, insurance coverage of therapies such as applied behavior analysis, and telehealth services. Because access to services has improved, people are more likely to seek a diagnosis and reach out for support.

Overall, there has been an improvement in awareness of autism as well as improvements in access to services for people with autism and their parents and caregivers. Although there is still room to grow as a society, compared to previous generations, parents are more likely to be able to access healthcare coverage which will help fund their child’s therapy. Also, telehealth is a great option that is becoming more widely available and is especially helpful for people in rural areas who might otherwise not be able to access services.

Rising Rates of Autism

Young speech therapist working with child in colorful educational playroom

It’s essential to recognize that the rising prevalence rates do not necessarily indicate an epidemic but rather reflect changes in diagnostic practices, awareness, and understanding of autism spectrum disorder. Additionally, it’s crucial to continue research efforts to better understand the underlying causes of autism and to provide support and resources for individuals and families affected by ASD.

Autism awareness and autism acceptance has greatly improved in our society over the past few decades. We can continue to support people with autism by practicing this acceptance in everyday life and being an example to others for supporting inclusion of people with neurodiversity at home, in the community, in schools, and in the workplace.

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